Test -hide-

{{ -----BEGIN SETTINGS AND CONTROLS----- }} {% assign: Theme_Fiend_Lab_UserName = 'YourUserName' %} {% assign: Image_Source = 'Lab' %} {{ Options: 'Lab' or 'Self-hosted' }} {% assign: Products_Per_Row = 4 %} {{ Options: 2 to 5 }} {{ --BEGIN CATEGORY/ARTIST BANNER SETTINGS--}} {% assign: Show_Category_Page_Banners = 'No' %} {% assign: Show_Artist-Brand_Page_Banners = 'No' %} {% assign: Hide_Category_and_Artist_Title = 'No' %} {{ --END CATEGORY/ARTIST BANNER SETTINGS--}} {{ -----END SETTINGS AND CONTROLS----- }} {% if Image_Source contains 'ab' %} {% if Show_Category_Page_Banners contains 'es' %} {% if page.full_url contains 'category' %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if Show_Artist-Brand_Page_Banners contains 'es' %} {% if page.full_url contains 'artist' %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if Hide_Category_and_Artist_Title == 'Yes' %}.page-title {display:none;}{% endif %} {% assign: ppr = Products_Per_Row %} {% if products.current != blank %} {{ products.current | paginate | replace: "", "/a>" | replace: "/span>", "/span>" | replace: "«", "◀" | replace: "»", "▶" | replace: "Previous", "" | replace: "Next", "" }} {% else %}

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