Test3 -hide-

{{ ------------BEGIN THEME SETTINGS AND CONTROLS------------ }}

{% assign: Product_Options_Text = "Choose an Option" %}
{% assign: Add_to_Cart_Text = "Add to Cart" %}

{% assign: Product_Options_Type = 'Radio Buttons' %} {{ Options: 'Select' or 'Radio Buttons' }}


{% assign: Related_Products_Text = "RATS ALSO BOUGHT" %}
{% assign: Related_Products_Per_Row = 4 %} {{ Options: 2 to 5 }}

{{ ------------END THEME SETTINGS AND CONTROLS------------ }}

{% if product.image_count > 1 %}
    {% for image in product.images %}
  • Image of {{ product.name | escape }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{{ product.name }}

{% if product.max_price != product.default_price and product.on_sale %}{{ product.max_price | money_with_sign }}{% endif %}{{ product.price | money_with_sign }}

{% if product.description != blank %}
{{ product.description | paragraphs }}
{% endif %} {% case product.status %} {% when 'active' %} {% if product.has_default_option %} {{ product.option | hidden_option_input }} {% else %}
{{ Product_Options_Text }} {% if Product_Options_Type contains 'adio' %}{{ product.options_in_stock | options_radio }}{% endif %} {% if Product_Options_Type contains 'elect' %}{{ product.options_in_stock | options_select }}{% endif %}
{% endif %} {{ Add_to_Cart_Text }} {% when 'coming-soon' %}

Coming Soon

{% endcase %}
{{ -----BEGIN RELATED PRODUCTS SECTION---- }} {% assign: ppr = Related_Products_Per_Row %} {% capture relpro %}{{ ppr | plus: 1 }}{% endcapture %}

{% assign currentProduct = product.id %}

{% assign counter = 0 %}

{% for category in product.categories limit:1 %}

{{ Related_Products_Text }}

{% endfor %}


(function($) {

$(".thumbnail img").click(function(){
$(".featured img").attr('src',$(this).attr('src'));

$(".thumbnail a").click(function(){
$(".featured a").attr('href',$(this).attr('href'));
$(".featured a").colorbox();

if($.trim($(".related_products").html())=='') {

